Mock JLPT Online

Hi everyone!

We offer Mock JLPT Online to those who wish to prepare for the JLPT.

<What is the Mock JLPT? >

・It is an online practice test available to members of Asao.

・You can choose from all the five levels, from N5 to N1.

・It has exactly the same test structure as the actual JLPT but the number of questions is half.

・You can take the test anytime on your computer or smartphone and see your test result immediately when you finish.

・The result includes the correct answers, explanations, your total score and the score break-down by section.

<What you need>

・Your computer/tablet/smartphone with Google Chrome or Safari as a web browser

・Headset or earphones for the listening part 


・10 Euros

<How to apply>

・Please contact us or if you are a member of our Discord/Patreon community and currently in the Second Craic, please upgrade to the tiers with MJ, e.g SecondCraic V3-MJ-CertifiedTeacher

We believe that taking the test will be beneficial for all of you regardless of whether you actually try the JLPT or not, as you can assess your current Japanese ability in detail.

You are also recommended to share your test result with your teachers in order to discuss your strengths and weaknesses with them.

If you have questions, please feel free to contact us anytime. We will be delighted to assist.